normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

The dinner with the sister

Received this sms on Sunday afternoon.

"Ada plan apa2 tak malam nie?"
Our reply "Tak tahu lagik, kenapa?"
"Adik lapo mcd ler, hu hu hu"
Our reply "Malam nanti kitaorg datang"

Adik is in between my baby and my princess.

That was the sms sent my sista in law, Adik. She is so manja with us, perhaps because she is the youngest. And I have this tendency to pamper her, which my better half not so keen off. I guess it's because I can always rely on her when I need support, like taking care of the cuties when I need to be elsewhere. The cuties, by the way are also attached to her. For the big event end of this month she will be the official baby sitter. We plan to stay overnite at the hotel and have booked 2 rooms for that. My only wish is for her to further her study as high as possible since in my better half family, education is not something that they stressed on. She will be completing her Diploma by end of this year and I am encouraging her to pursue to Degree.

Adik, akak sentiasa doakan adik berjaya dunia akhirat. And trust me when I say, education is very important!

And yes, we did take her to McD that nite to satisfy her cravings!

1 normalies:

eiseais said...

adik...tumpang another 3 boleh tak?

i wanna go to the big event too :(