I was so sad, despite winning second place, I lost this pair of sandal that I've just bought.

I wore it to the game and when I change to my sports shoes, I forgot to put it back in my bag. Before I left, I remembered holding it and that's the last memory I have of the sandal...
I am contemplating...should I get a new same sandal or just let it pass and just wear what I already have in my collection.
But this sandal is sooooo conformtable and I love it very much :(
I wore it to the game and when I change to my sports shoes, I forgot to put it back in my bag. Before I left, I remembered holding it and that's the last memory I have of the sandal...
I am contemplating...should I get a new same sandal or just let it pass and just wear what I already have in my collection.
But this sandal is sooooo conformtable and I love it very much :(
4 normalies:
wah lawa sandal baru..
with the big bang boom that u are getting soon..
199 pasang pun ko bley beli baru nyahhhhhhhhhhh!
jom arr g ptg nih!!
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