Today is the last day for the KL Book Fair 2008 and only today we got the chance to take the cuties to the fair. Ya Allah, ramai giler orang, like they are giving away things for free.
The exhibition is being separated to several places in PWTC. One was in Dewan Tun Hussein Onn where you have to cross the bridge of Klang River to get to the hall. It was raining so when we look down, the river looked rather scary.
Loads of booths with lots of distributer, publisher and many other parties participated for this book fair. From very established ones to those that nama pun tak pernah dengar. They were also famous personality like Sharifah Shawati, Nur Farahim Jamsari, Imuda and Ujang. The cuties took picture with Imuda and right after that my hero was asking me, "Sape tu Mama, kenapa kita ambik gambar dgn dia?". And somehow, I knew Imuda heard that and we quickly walked away from the booth.
The cuties also took pictures with few characters, don't ask me what character...Ntah, akak pun tak kenal. But, ambik je ler gambo.

Baby trying out the interactive corner.
The food there were rather very expensive. I am not paying RM7.50 for a plate of fried mee and RM3 for a glass of Teh Tarik...So, to satisfy our hunger we walked across the road to The Mall and had Mcd instead. Murah, satisfying and I even can enjoy the dessert.
We bought the cuties quite a number of books. My hero, whose interest in science is like he is going to be a scientist, pleaded for a series of encyclopaedia of science. I've seen this series before cause thought of buying for him earlier this year but it cost RM270...nasib baik I didn't purchased it. During this book fair, the same series was sold at RM40...That's about 85% discount. I got many magazines for my princess and my baby, all 2008 edition selling for RM1.50 each, original price is RM4.00. And some more books for their reading pleasure.
We decided not to purchase any so called exercise book like for maths and science and just purchased the fun stuff. Asik belaja jer, boring pulak kan.
All and all, we had fun. Hope to bring the cuties to more of this kind of exhibition.
7 normalies:
Yeah. It's a bit of a letdown to me. raining..too many much rigid crowd control etc
best regards
azrin @
nilah project yang aku lupa nak pergi lah weii
napa le ko x remind kawan ko ni
bila lg next fair dia ek?
ujung taun?
wanted to pegi as well. but then thinking of the crowd, tak jadik. imuda look old dah kan?
bdk2 kalo jumpa buku syok la kan...kak imuda tu ek? muka dia nmpk sakit kan
Hello! Miss reading ur blog.. but none of it ur fault.. i kan dah lama tak de internet connections..keh keh keh
I went 2 years ago on Sunday as well, mak ai ramai org! Masa tuu i was preggy with Aidan..
Imuda looked old because of dialysiskan...
azrin - it was ok i guess, there were many people, i just hope they can organise the people traffic better
k red - ya ampun, i was reminded by a fren pun, kalau tak memang tak gi tau
eiseai - after years, i finally have the confident to bring the cuties to a book fair, takut gak mula2
ita - susah nak pujuk they all balik, letih tau!
dot - miss having u around and good to have you back! memang ramai tau..
eiseai, ita and dot - imuda does look old, in fact my better half was addressing him as atok to the cuties and he looked so annoyed..mulut takde insurans tu...
kesian tgk si Imuda tu, dia sakit kan. Dulu segak jer, kaya pulak tu. Itulah hidup mcm roda, kejap kat atas kekadang kena jatuh bwh pulak.
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