This is a special request from a blogger fren, Mrs Maya...The lempeng pisang recipe...Sorry, I am not the type of chef yang masak ikut sukatan, I always use this based on the secukup rasa clause...
Ingredients are
Flour(by the way, due to the global food crisis, the price has been increased in Malaysia, any impact for London?)
Baking powder (about half of teaspoon yer,nanti kembang sangat)
First, grind the banana and once that is done add flour, sugar and baking powder
Mix with water until it is as good as a cake mixture
Then, cook on a flat pan and volla!! You have yourself the lempeng pisang!!
7 normalies:
Akak, adakah ia mcm sama mcm nak wat cekodok pisang.. cuma tambah air byk skit jer mcm..
aisha - memang sama mcm cekodok pisang, air pun jgn byk sangat nanti cair sangat
salam perkenalan..
p/s--resepi pulut tembikai ada?
Owhhh, mak sy pun masak lempeng gak hari ni, tp tak larat nak makan sbb GG ku cedera. hehe.
wah kak sdpnye..saya mmg suka lempeng pisang nih...sdp nmpk
normal, thank u! thank u! nanti weekend I try beli pisang and cuba. Hopefully menjadi and I post an entry. Yum,yum.. sedap nyer ;)
mohd noor hakimi - waalaikumsalam,salam perkenalan, pulut tembikai?menarik tu...share lah
faith - kesian diriku mendengar insiden gigimu...take care
ita - awak tu kan dah terror masak, masak rendang segala bagai
maya - try and share yer
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