Again, another entry about changing the lifestyle..
I didn't go out for lunch yesterday. Besides having soooo much work to do, there was again, another free food being presented right before me...Dah bunyi macam kedekut haji bakhil lak kan...
I didn't go out for lunch yesterday. Besides having soooo much work to do, there was again, another free food being presented right before me...Dah bunyi macam kedekut haji bakhil lak kan...
Then, I continued the book that I am currently reading....
I know I sound so cheap...but everytime when I have the urged to spend, I will imagine this....

And this

And this

And this

And by having this imagination, I have to really control my spending...
Hope this will last long enough....
4 normalies:
bed style itam tu kan my idaman tu.....huhuhuh sgt suke bed cenggitu....waahhhh bile mau ade umah sendiri nih!!! hehehehhe
takpelah asalkan hasil nya berbaloi.. hehehe.. kalau org tanya kata jer puasa atau diet senang cerita ;)
gambar yg last tu mcm katil baby...adakah anda akan mengadakan project 2008?????...hehehe
-red baron's bowlers yg tinggi-
lil^red - adikku, dirimu muda lagik so byk masa nak kumpul duit
maya - will be using your tips from now on
anon -mcm diriku tidak tau siapa dirimu...itu cuma imaginasi saje yer...
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