normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Tuesday 29 July 2008

Dim Sum vs Beriani Gam

I had to work last Saturday. And as usual my better half works on Saturday. While waiting for him, I watched the volleyball tournament held at the gym downstairs. It was an exciting game all together. Lots of jumping here and there whether the players or the supporters. However, in most circumstances, the supporters outdo the players.

I promised my better half to take him out for lunch, dim sum will be his choice. I did take him once for this but I didn't know they don't serve dim sum for dinner, just for lunch. So, this is pay back time.

Alhamdulilah, he enjoyed it very much. And there's a new addition to the menu, durian pancake. Memang best giler. Usually we only get to eat this if we eat at MO.

Then, we spent the rest of the day at Bangi. This is to ensure the work on the house is on track. Since the house has yet to be installed with lights, we have to leave before it gets dark. Sorry Ms Money Matters who happen to be in the area. Next time singgah lagik yer.

On our way back, we were starving. So, on the way back, we dropped by the famous Nasi Beriani Gam place near Putra Jaya. Been wanting to eat here, many recommended this place but only manage to do it that day.

I had the Beriani Gam Ayam whilst my better half had the Beriani Gam Kambing. Not bad, tased like the one at Batu Pahat.....
Kalau the cuties ada, mesti lagik best, but they have been hijacked by my parents....

1 normalies:

fazid said...

though I have been leaving in Bangi for 5 years... I tak pernah sampai restoran beryani gam ni...hahah... there is one more bryani gam restaurant worth visit at BB Bangi...opposite PKNS, Briyani gam Ghazal... ada lagi ke tidak...