normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

A great birthday indeed

I want to start this entry by congratulating dot for a job well done in organising this particular birthday party.

I am very impressed with the overall celebration, that sure took a lot of time and effort to have the excellent outcome.

The theme itself it's already very catchy though we're so sorry we're not able to dress according to the theme, I couldn't find the football jersey-we are Liverpool supporters by the way. That must be in one of the boxes.
The cuties had so much fun. They even tried the football camp and played inside there. Alamak, forgot to take picture of the party favours, balls for the cuties and cute ball keychain for the parents with Aidan cute!!!!
The cake is a genius ; the cuties were asking me "Kenapa mama tak pernah buat cake macam tu?" Susah ler dot, you have set such a high benchmark for me....kena start practise to bake nie...
All and all, we had loads of fun, and don't forget the recipe of the hot dog's gravy....
Readers, let the pictures speak for themselves....on how good the party was!!!!

2 normalies:

Jungle Playland said...

tq tq for coming... glad the cuties enjoy it.
Thank you for taking the coney picta! Cilok kay. Next week will give you the recipe.

since we cldn't really chit chat the other day, we should go out for tea or something.

Liza said...

dot - tq for inviting, and about the tea, that's a good idea!