normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Thursday 9 October 2008

Incomplete work pissed me off!!!!

I was not well yesterday so I took the day off. Since there is so many things to be done for the big event this Sunday, I went back to BSP to see the progress. And, that makes me sicker than before.
I just hate working with people than don't know how to follow timeline, not able to keep promises and not punctual.
When you know you have soooo much work to do, datang ler awal, nie arrived nearly lunch time and then even have the guts to have lunch break...what the hell is that!!!!
So, ultimatum needs to be given. Either this is completed by 1pm Saturday or.....I am not paying a single cent of the balance payment. I may perceived to be friendly and jovial, but once you cross the line, no way I am gonna be nice.
And since we are the first group of people staying here, no way I am going to recommend you to others. YOU WISH!!!!

2 normalies:

ita.itu said...

elok gak ek..leh ttp lobang2 tuh kan

fazid said...

can imagine how stress you feel. everything must be ready before sunday right. Liza, insyaAllah we will be there on sunday. sorry lambat response. i tak bukak facebook since balik mesia. :D