Ever since we have moved to our own house, we really look forward to the weekend. Weekend would be the time we laze around the house, start unpacking the boxes, cleaning and mopping and of course some cooking action.
Last Sunday, I cooked Nasi Ayam for brunch. We were tired due to this event on Saturday so we woke up quite late, as a result breakfast and lunch were combined.
This weekend, my better half has given me his wish list on what he wants to eat...
Namely, Ketam Masak Lemak and Sambal Udang Petai...
Alamak, lapo ler pulok!
4 normalies:
terliur i liza. sedapppnyeeee ketam. slurp. :D
msk weekend je la ek br smpt..sdpnye ngk pisang tu kak
kalo masa snirik.. sesimple mana pun.. lebih bermakna kan kak
tak bek tau buat org yg tgh std lapor...
len kali nak letak pasal makanan, kasi warning awal2...
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