Last Saturday, we were searching for a new place to have breakfast. My better half suggested let's go out from BSP but not to BBB. And he suggested for us to go to Semenyih.
Ever since we moved to BSP, we have never explored Semenyih. And we don't know how far Semenyih is. We were told, it's not too far from BSP, about 15 minutes drive. But, driving there, since we did not know where exactly the place is, we felt that it was far indeed.
When we reached the town of Semenyih, we noticed there's a Pasar Pagi going on at that place. We were still exploring the area and decided to stop by this small stall just right at the juction of the shoplots near the Pasar Pagi area.
While my hero and my princess wanted roti canai instead. But, to our dismay, the lady forgot about our order and when we reminded her, she told us there is no roti canai left. What pissed me off, she told us without apology and even have the guts to tell us, "datang esok lah!" What the fish??!!! End up, we purchase something from a nearby bakery since my baby merajuk, tak nak makan anything there....
When we were about to pay , we complained to the shop owner and apparently, the roti canai stall outside their gerai is not theirs and the shop owner did not look very please with the roti canai stall owner, it seems many people complained about this stall doing the same to other customers.
For those staying around BSP or BBB or even Nilai area, if you know the place selling good food especially for breakfast during weekends, please do share with us. Boring ler makan tempat yang sama.
Note :
What I learnt today?
If I were, one day, kalau ada rezeki, to have my own business, I must remember customers' satisfaction is very very important. Remember, word of mouths advertisement can make or break you!
7 normalies:
wow.. jauh nyer kak liza g breakfast.. btw, the lontong looks very yummy *da lame x mkn..mengidam plak!!*
and i totally agreed with ur last para..
saya setuju dengan kenyataan di atas.. lontong nampak sungguh menyelerakan.. i mean, the telur goreng really make air liur meleleh la kak.. isk.. by the way, semoga impian akak nak bukak bisnes tercapai...
chotz - lontong memang sedap, kalau tak pasal diet, memang dah tambah
aisha - insyallah, thanks for the doa
kalo nk bekpes roti canai ker nasik lemak jer kat pekan bangi lama..resoran die btol2 kat dgn dewan serbaguna/badminton bangi restoran die tak bape ingat restoran tuh mmg kat corner lot la...try ler bekpes kat melayu nye kedai..
Ade satu breakfast spot best kat bangi.. die dkt dgn pintu masuk putrajaya gate 1.. dekat dgn kg datuk abu bakar baginda.. nasik lemak.. roti canai (baby would love the roti canai )... ade kelantanese selera jugak.. from kajang exit.. lalu flyover lalu dpn uniten.. turn right on Bangi signboard.. straight until 3rd trafiic lite.. n hedai tu mmg dkat 3rd trafiic lite kat T junction.. sekian
erwan shah-sudah branie tinggal komen yer...thanks, nanti akak try...
mamamarina- thanks! I still have your presies, nanti kita set appointment to meet yer
weiii... tak ajak ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kureng ajo nyer lady (lady ker.. cube check betui betui..)
ade dia suruh dtg esok... ko hingat ko saper...
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