I have been stuck with work for the last 2 weekends so I thought this weekend can be a relaxing weekend. I even intentionally left my notebook in the office so that I can have a relaxing well deserved weekend.
But, end up, another working weekend. I was at the Mines attending a program organised by my company. I was covering for Faz managing this program when she was on maternity so, they were kind enough to invite me to participate.
I seriously thought that's a good thing, being able to spend the weekend with the cuties in a resort...then emails started to come into my mailboxes causing me to go back to office on Saturday to pick up my notebook. And another trip to office on Sunday to do some more work...sigh.......
Back to the event, it was great actually meeting the greenies again. They all looked to matured and grown up. I managed to have a chat with some of them and I can see the sparks in their eyes that they are willing to work hard to achieve their goals.
And the best thing is, the consultant wanted to continue this tradition that I unintentionally started, giving cupcakes to the greenies. And I got a box! The cuties were more excited than I am since they know I don't take sweet things.... 
Hancur lagik dietku nampaknyer!!!
Hancur lagik dietku nampaknyer!!!
4 normalies:
hahaha mana tahan nak diet kalau nengok kek comey cam nie hihihi.. makan dulu sok2 baru diet hihihi
ekekekke..lepas mkn..lari stmpt 20 minit..
ahhhh cuppiesssssssss
perghh cuppies tuh mengancam jiwaaaa laa kakk!
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