normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Latest addition to our garden

We love our garden. Though it's not that big, but it's big enough for the 5 of us.
It has always been in my wish list to have chairs and table on the garden where we can sit and have drinks in the evening or even breakfast in the morning.
After getting some extra money last week, we quickly went to survey this from shops around our area and we found this set to be the cheapest.

So, another wish came true....Alhamdulilah......

2 normalies:

Gina said...

Liza...just nak bagi tips..kalau boleh lepas nie your gate tu kena sentiasa berkunci tau..takut pencuri ambik this garden house dah kena dah..depa angkut pakai motor aje

Liza said...

Gina - thanks for the tips, trus my better halg nak pegi beli rantai to chain the chairs and table together