This November, we will be having our annual dinner and in conjuction to dinner, there will be food serve(duh!!!).
We had the food tasting thingy yesterday which was full of fun of laughter, what do you expect since you have all the not so betul people going with you...

This makan is not like any other makan event, we really have to be careful on the taste and other relevant details to ensure that we have a good quality meals serve to the guests. We had to evaluate all the items inclusive of the rice one by one....
I hope it's gonna be a successful event. Cik Puan Ambang really working her best to ensure everything goes smoothly and me of course, will support her in everyway I can..Team work mah!!!
After office hour, we had this final event of the Sports Carnival, ping pong aka table tennis. I haven't been playing this game for quite sometime. I even forgot how to hold the bat. But, I never knew we can wear anything, not specifically sports attire, to play this game . Bakal pengantin bukan main, ingat ada best dress ke?
Mr China Man wore office attire, but for the love of the game, still participated with all his dangerous moves......

Notice player tak seramai mana but biler ada photo session, bukan main yer semua!
My better half picked me up yesterday since we planned to get a camcorder. Yelah, we want to
1 normalies:
oh so u're part of them team ke? baru nak send invite to asyraf's birthday but its on the same day.
eh...itu apis ada skali...makan ehhh??
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