The food above is called Nasi Gaul, never heard of it ya! My better half, is a banjarese. Nope, not javanese but banjarese, an ethnic that came from Indonesia. He is very proud of his ethnic and at his kampung, people still speak the banjar language. I even encourage the cuties to learn to speak the language. As for me, I can understand, but replying in that language end up making me sounded like a banjarese wannabe i.e. so fake!!
Ok, back to the food above...
For those who have been to my house may have tasted this. And some were asking for we decided to include this in our catering menu. This week a friend of ours ordered this for a kenduri at her house.
Nasi Gaul consists of special cook rice(like nasi minyak but still have the significant difference), dalca and acar ayam(this is the unique part of the food).
It may look weird at first, especially people like me that is never adventurous about food but once you taste it, you'll be asking for more.
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