normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Zoo by nite

We have taken the cuties to the zoo several times but just during day times. So, we decided to make the difference, we wanted to take them to Zoo by Nite. Same place just different timing.

Before we leave for the zoo, we had our early dinner at Subang Parade. We chose this place called Yanti's, my hero wanted to have fried rice. We ordered sate as well since the place has always been famous for their sate. My hero wanted cendol as well.

Makan kenyang2, we have lots of walking to do....

We arrived betul2 azan maghrib so we perform our solat there.We started with the train ride, where the zoo person took us around and show us where the animals are. After that we can start the journey on our own in search of animals.

My hero have always been interested in animals. He rather watched the Animal Planets on Astro rather than watching cartoons so he was the most interested person on this trip.

The animals are more active at night but to capture the photos are difficult since the place are dark. You need to have an expensive and reliable camera for this. Ours was just a cheap one so banyak ler photo yg tak nampak apa...

Nevetheless, it was a great experience, not only to me but for the cuties as well.

Photos to be updated later...internet is extremely slow and I need to perform my maghrib prayer..

3 normalies:

Red Mummy said...

aku pi zoo aritu ngan dema

aku yg gila nak balik awal

boring sihhh

taun lepas depa pi 3,4 kali, sekali je aku ikut

taun ni dah sekali ada gak depa nak pi lg 3,4 kali

x tahan aaa

mlm ke siang ke sume aku dah tried kat zoo ni

i m not zoo person compared than anak2 aku laa


ita.itu said...

gi zoo ek..boring kan..ngan baunye bdk2 la suka..hehe

NadiahKhair said...

i pun teringin nak bwk iman gi zoo..
he's at the age yg begitu excited tgk animals..kalau kambing tuh die punye tenung..mcm xpenah jumpe.. kenalah bawak gak..walaupun zoo kl nih kureng skitt..
eh, i heard some ppl said zoo melaka is better than kl punye..betul ke?