Our kapitan decided to give us a treat, though we only got second place. This is due to the fighting spirit potrayed and one Director was quoted "We should confer them the King Leonidas award for the heart they put in!"
So, we had the grand extravaganze celebration at Chillis and I am so glad that all able to attend even our coach. I know the importance of team spirit and that is the most crucial part of the game.
Makan tak payah nak cakap...memang macam tak ingat...I think we ordered practically everything in the menu.
From appetizers like buffolo wings and nachos, to main course like ribs, steak and salads to dessert, of course malton cake is a must. It's like a ritual whenever we visits Chillis.
We also celebrated the birthday one of our player and of course coach tersayang...
All and all, we had a blast, full of laughters, well too much of that, to the extend my face hurt by the end of the dinner!
4 normalies:
a'kum kak being normal...
i love to read ur blog...
i used to blog in 360 yahoo....
since i've moved to blogspot recently
i'm linking yr blog to mine ;)
if kakak sudi, pls send me ur address for the invitation to my blog eh...
i make it private
u may send it to farah_farihah@yahoo.com
BN - this lilred is a good blogger to me, i recommend you to read her blog :)
btw, aku suka plak kapten ijau ko ni lah, baiknya ati
aku nak masuk ijau bley?
lil^red799 - waalaikumsalam, thanks for the invite, will jengok your blog today
k red - kapitan hijau memang best, rugi tau masuk team lain
Oooo baiknya kapten diaaa
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