For those who have been regularly reading my blog, would know by now that my better half is the eldest in the family and being a son, that gives him more responsibilities, more things he needs to take care of. And me, being his wife, has to know, when I marry my husband, simultaneously I am getting married to his family as well. It was tough in the beginning, but I always reminded myself, I have a son too, and of course one day I want my son to marry a person who would not stop him from taking care of his family...and so far that keep me sane.
Last Tuesday, we took the day off. After sending the cuties to school, at 7am, we drove to Batu Pahat to settle some family matters. It involved the change of name for a piece of land which was inherited from my better half's arwah grandmother.
We arrived around 9am(yup, took only 2 hours, don't even ask how) and went straight to the Pejabat Tanah and met my in laws and my mom in law "greedy" sibblings - I have strong reason to call them this.
I always thought this struggle and trying to "berebut" inheritance only happen in the malay drama shown on TV. But, I get to experience this right in front of my eyes, sibblings went to the extend not respecting wasiat left by the loved ones and decided to take matters into own hands. My mom in law has always been a victim of this, maybe because of her nature, don't like to create a conflict.
I think this greedy people were so surprised to see us there, maybe they have planned something bad so with us being around, theys have to re-think all this. I even engaged a lawyer, a friend actually(thanks ya for willing to do this for free) to ensure all is done in the spirit of fairness. And the look on their shocked and tekejut beruk face was priceless!
While waiting for the angkat sumpah event to take place, we were waiting in this room and how ironic again if you see the wording placed on the wall. Kalau baca nie and tak insaf gak, apa jenis orang lah nie kan...
All the transactions were completed around 12pm and since we only need to be back by 6pm to pick up my baby from school, we went to car wash, we owe this car a nice bath.
On the way back, we had lunch at this famous food place in Batu Pahat, called Jeng Kuan. This place is very famous and if you are a local in Batu Pahat, you must know this makan place. We had our normal dish, the cap chai, ayam tomato and tomyam not forgetting the rojak manis.
Alhamdulilah, we arrived right in front of my baby's school sharp 6pm. It was tiring indeed but nevertheless satisfying.
Bak kata pepatah, orang tamak selalu rugi...
10 normalies:
it doesnt happened in drama melayu only.. i have seen it all (almost).. i've seen mothers who are greedy, i've seen sibblings fight over a small property which worth less than 10k.. mcm mcm
Wah! so how does it feel to go to Land Office.. Syiok tak? Are they efficient?
rojak manis??? yang pakai kuah kacang tuh ke?
kak liza....satu lg nak reveal...kite ni sekampung arwah mbah tu rumahnye di parit sumarto, parit raja....hahhaha memule i know ur husband's kampung kan.....rasa excited smcm je...hahhahha lelagi bile di blogkan kan....
kak liza....satu lg nak reveal...kite ni sekampung arwah mbah tu rumahnye di parit sumarto, parit raja....hahhaha memule i know ur husband's kampung kan.....rasa excited smcm je...hahhahha lelagi bile di blogkan kan....
dot - i was so surprised that it happened to sibblings whom i thought were rational, but then again, money and power may change answer your question, yes, they were efficient, beyond my expectation
tentangseseorang - yup, rojak manis with kuah kacang, famous in batu pahat
lilred - awak sekg dgn husband saya nyer, raya nanti boleh ler jumper
benda mcm nie memang selalu jadi.kadang2 manusia nie lebihkan dunia drp relatives pun byk yg bergaduh sbb harta.*sigh*
We share the same thinking-the rebut inheritance seen in tv dramas only.. At least that's what we thought.
Happens in my family jugak. Mom's greedy siblings kecoh2 nk kata what my granddad gave inherited her with (this land we built our house on) was supposed to be theirs. Knowing their hearts, I see why atuk gave it to mom and not them (if u happen to watch 'bawang merah, bawang putih', they're all rika sumantos (ahaha!)..witches;p)
My dad is now gone..and some say that it's people's doing..not a natural 1. Though I don't really believe this (there r quite some incidents that proves the outer-worldly correct),my aunties are witches anyways..(Aunties on my mom's side ok..just to set the record straight)..
Sekian my knowledge-sharing;p
maya - and to think the harta are not even theirs in the first place, tak malu kan, nak kumpul harta sendiri tak leh so kena sibuk rebut harta pusaka
azrul - on your first para, my comment is great minds think alike...ha ha ha...
i guess your experience is a more severe ones, but nevertheless, i do think my MIL's sibblings are witches as well
aduh menyelerakan gi batu pahat ke...dah dokek umah mertua den..hehe
ita - tanyer ler dgn ibu mertua, tempat tu memang famous
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