normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Friday 30 May 2008

Fun under the sun

Am now at a quite famous beach location in Malaysia attending the company Family Retreat. I only arrived this morning unlike others that arrived yesterday cause....studies come first......

Arrived around 10am, though betolak awal giler at 5am, tapi due to the sesat factor(harus fail kalau masuk amazing race or treasure hunt), bepusing2 in the nearby town area before knowing the right way. We did stop and asked for direction from a pakcik teksi driver, and his reply was funny...

My better half : Pakcik, macamane nak pergi ke resort A

Pakcik Taxi : Panjang cerita nyer....(Then he gave quite a long winded direction, nevertheless that helped us to arrived safely)

After checking in, we immediately attacked the breakfast area, lapo giler...and then went to the beach to watch some of the activities

Tonite will be the dinner, and tomorrow after the telematch, we plan to visit one of the nearby island....

K Red, I nak interview you tonite on how to get there, our earlier conversation banyak distortion lah, almaklumlah, perhubungan jarak jauh...

Photos will be updated later ya!

2 normalies:

ita.itu said...

wow bercuti sakan..syook nye kak

Liza said...

ita - memang sakan, duitnyer pun sakan dihabiskan...