normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Monday 2 June 2008

Burning bridges

Before I start blogging about the fun part i.e. our family retreat, during that trip, I realised something about myself...

And I just finished reading the 4th edition of the shopaholic series, Shopaholic and Sister. One of my close friends once saw me with the book and his immediate response was what am I doing with a bimbo book...sorry, terside track skit.

What I am trying to tell you, I learnt something from this book. During this 2 separate occasions, I just realised how many bridges have a I burnt. Not literally lah, but many relationships have I wrecked to the extend not in speaking terms anymore

I have always been categorised as a outspoken person, free to speak my mind and giving my opinion, sometimes upon request, otherwise volunterily...and the latter sometimes may not be welcomed.

And while doing this, I tend to hurt feelings of others. I never thought of this earlier but now this became much clearer.

I know it may not be possible for me to rebuild the burnt bridges, trust is not something that can be developed in a short time frame. But, I will be at my best behaviour to avoid from burning more bridges. It does not benefit me in any way and at times it hurts me inside.

I'm not here to be popular but I'm not here to be hated as well...

Hope Allah will lead me towards the right path

2 normalies:

Anonymous said...

I just realized that it is difficult to satisfy people nie. Bila kita being truthful ada org tak boleh terima. Tapi kalau tak honest if anything goes wrong, kita pulak kena blame.

Anyway kalau ada stupid comments yg u terima dlm blog just ignore. Diaorg tu saje psiko. I memang tak layan, tak kuasa pun :)

Liza said...

maya - you couldn't more accurate...i made the discovery over the weekend during my retreat...