It is difficult for a man to understand something when his salary depend upon him not understanding it - Upton Sinclair
Man!! The above quote is so powerful and I got this while watching the documentary An Inconvenient Truth featuring Al-Gore. Our company organised this show at TGV for all staff to create awareness of how we, ourselves, are destroying our nature. 

Most of us will blame it on others, but after watching this, I can conclude that each and everyone of us is equally guity! If everyone keep on turning the other side and said, "I am just a very small portion of earth that release carbon and over utilised energy", what will happen if 3 other million people to say the same thing...
I was sad after watching this...what is there left for future generations. Will my grand cuties and their generation will be able to see the forest, the green trees and even mountains.
Click here if you wanna know more about this very heart warming documentary...
1 normalies:
I'm guilty as charge.
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