I arrived home quite early, around 5.30pm on Wednesday, which is something very rare. The cuties were so excited to see me, I hardly got the chance to pick them up from school. We were all starving and decided to hunt for food. While driving around, we came across this new place, one Ikan Bakar place near the Giant Hypermarket.
Lalu pun dah bau sedap, so menyinggah lah yer, tuan2 dan puan2...
We surveyed the price first cause food in Kelana Jaya is never cheap. We prefer to know the price prior to ordering than dah order, and when the bill arrived, tekejut badak. Amazingly, the price is very ok! One set of ikan bakar which consists of the ikan of course, asam pedas gravy and air asam is RM5 each. And the fish in quite big.
We ordered 3 sets and the choice of fishes were ikan pari, ikan keli and ikan cencaru(i call this ikan jaket..sape duduk asrama would know what i am talking about). 
The tastes were excellant. Sedap and really satisfying. This surprised me a bit, I am not a fan of ikan bakar that's being cooked on the roti canai kind of frying pan. My definition of ikan bakar has always been the one dibakar dgn arang, which are hard to find nowadays.
We are so going to come back again. Just look at the faces of satisfied customers.
2 normalies:
yaampun kak..sdpnye..terlior saya..saje je akak nih tau..hehe
ita - memang patut pun terliur sebab sedap tau!
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