I wanna tell you something about my hero...
My hero, the only boy that I have. He is very close and attached to me. Whenever I come back from work, he never fails to greet me and then hold my hand, like leading me to the house. He will then start to tell me what happened today, what did he do and what makes him happy or sad.
So, if I came back late from work, and he didn't get to do his routine, as soon as when he wakes up the next morning, he will then start giving me a brief summary on what happened yesterday.
So, when I asked him, whether he'll be interested to go for summer camp, 3 days 2 night, his immediate response was, "Nanti macamana abang nak cerita apa abang dah buat hari-hari kalau mama takde kat situ".
I would be lying if I say he is not naughty at all, in fact I will be worried if he is not. But, one of his weakness, he can't see me being sad, it will make him very worried and until I start smiling again, he can't live in peace. 
He is so into football and we bought him his first pair of football boots last year. He was very excited about it, but the lacking would be, who should he plays football with. Being the only boy, does have its disadvantage.
Being the only boy, he is very protective towards both of his sister, though he is much closer with my baby. If he sees anyone trying to kacau his sister, habislah, he will make sure that this does not happen.......And it's good when I see that happen right in front of my eyes....
He will turn 9 next week, and my wish is for him to grow up and able to lead the family. I don't think he will have any problem to do that. He is my precious boy and hope one day he will grow up and be a good man, just like his father.
Before I end this entry, just wanna share a conversation that I had with my hero, sometime back.
Mama : Bila abang dah besar, abang nak jadik apa?
Abang : Abang ingat nak jadik pilot, tapi wan cakap nanti raya susah nak cuti, mesti mama sedih kalau abang tak balik raya. Abang ingat kalau macam tu, abang nak jadik ustaz....Raya nanti abang boleh raya dgn mama...
Mama mana yang tak terharu....
6 normalies:
alhamdulillah....he is a very good boy indeed.....bertuah kakak!
kak bagus dia ek..siap tanye mak dia lg apa jadi...sayang betul ye dia ngan ko kak..bertuah bdn..hehe
lil^red & ita - memang betuah kan...
tak payah tunggu jadi a 'mama' to terharu.. yang takkan jadi 'mama' pun terharu.. baguih..anak soleh:)
ameera - he is a good boy...
azrul - marilah kita terharu bersama2..
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