As the school holidays start, of course the wedding season will start simultaneouly. This season is not good for me considering I am on no rice diet. Mana ada wedding that don't serve rice. If I don't eat, then I may offend the tuan rumah. So, next best very moderately as long as you are seen carrying plate.
All together, we went to 5 weddings and one house warming. On Saturday we went to 2 weddings, one near KJ and the other one in Sri Damansara. As for Sunday, went to 3, one in KJ, one in Puchong and the last one in Batang Kalu. I only managed to take photos during the first wedding, changed to my wedding handbag for the other wedding and left the camera in the other handbag. 
This wedding siap ada show where children dance to the traditional malay song. Very nice and cute.
The menepung tawar tradition still continues, I think this is a very important agenda in a wedding ,this symbolise the blessing given by the parents and relatives. 
Did I forget to tell you why I love weddings...Cause I don't have to cook lunch ;)
4 normalies:
Ya ampun....gitu bnyak sekali wedding nye?????
sedap sehingga menjilat jari anak akak tuh..hehe
looking at him menjilat jari, nampaknye sedap sangat masakan orang kawin... huhuh
banyaknya weddingsssss... heheh
lil^red - memang banyak giler...tu tak campur this weekend punyer
ita - haruss...malu pulak tgk
dot - the food was oklah, maybe because all of us were starving, tu you tak nampak gambo i lagik..
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