Ingat minyak dah naik, the road will be clear....NOT!!!!
On the way back to Batu Pahat, the traffic was horrible even before we cross the toll gate. Imagine cars queing up to get the toll tickets.
The traffic got better just after Alor Gajah. So, we decided to stop at Ayer Keroh R&R for dinner. The cuties were starving. My princess, enjoying the meal while watching Gerak Khas. Kalau kat rumah, tak nak ler tengok Gerak Khas, guess when you don't have a choice, you just have to settle to what's available...
Arrived at my in-laws house at 12.30am....After nearly 5 hours journey(usually around3 hours jer), we went straight to bed. Tomorrow, we have a wedding to attend and then more jalan2 action....
6 normalies:
dasyatnye!!!! mcm raye plak dah!
lil^red - tu ler pasal, ngalahkan raya
i know some of my friends left their kids at kampung. So its time to bring them back since school start today... Teruknya jam. my baby cries everytime if the car is not moving. Boringlaa tuuu..
dot - how i wish i can leave my kids at kampung, tried that then kena patah balik cause me and the kids started crying thinking we are far from each other...pathetic kan
tula org msia nih kaya2 kan..x kisah pun minyak naik ke x..hehe
lahai kepenatannya rasa :d
aii..just dropped by to cheer
up ur day!
anyway nice blog *_*
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