Today's activity started with telematch and the cuties were having soooo much fun. The participated in most of the games and got prizes for all. As for me and my better half, malas ler nak join as we were already tired cheering for the cuties. After the telematch, we went to the fun fair area for more games...
Nie apahal lak nie, tulah, someone went kayaking without telling us, habis telangkup the kayak and the handphone all gone. This is my better half trying to salvage the situation with a hairdryer...ha ha ha...
Next will be our Pangkor trip
3 normalies:
ya Allah kak......cuaca panas kene plak dpt tshirt pendek ...kite kene pakai inner kan...mmg la hazab nye.....
hhehehe ape khabar enpon tu??? dah kene beli enpon baru ke?
lil^red - memang hazab!!!panas giler, henpon baru telah dibeli, kerana kerenah suka hilangkan atau rosakan henpon, henpon baru cuma yg murah2an jer
erk...ok apa itu tshirt. ni org buat tshirt nak ngamok lah ni...hahaha
glad u & the family had fun. goodie bags best kan kan kan?? hahaha...nak ambik point skit ni
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