The retreat is supposed to start on Thursday, most of my workmates has left for the venue this year, Swiss Garden Damai Laut, Lumut. Due to study commitment, we only left the next day, however due to the cuties excitement, we left pretty early, at 5.15am.
After getting lost at the Lumut town, and mind you, I am not the only that having difficulty to get there, we arrived at around 10am. Quickly went for breakfast after checking in, nasib baik sempat cause breakfast ends at 10.30am.
We then headed to the beach, have some activities going on there. There were T-Shirt painting and sand art for the kids but the cuties were not interested, maybe still tired due to the journey. They just wanted to hang out at the beach and watched the sand castle competition.
We supported kumpulan comel dan manja(???) and they won first prize. They were so sweet to share their prizes with the cuties who helped them to decorate the castle...nasib baik le they didn't destroy it, ada yg tak betegur sapa nanti kan azrul...
eiseai's mok mok...isn't he the cutest??
After lunch, we went to Lumut town in our hunt to find the baju to fit the theme dinner.
My hero was not very happy that we plan to get my princess and my baby to wear sleeveless dress, yelah, future ustaz lah katakan. We assured him, it will be just for one nite...I know he forced himself to agree...
After lunch, we went to Lumut town in our hunt to find the baju to fit the theme dinner.
My hero just recovered from his chicken pox but the scars were still clearly visible, so being a creative parents, we bought conceler to cover that...ok ler tu kan??
The nite was quite entertaining, hosted by Dee. The food??? Not to badlah...
Ms GTL pointed at us to come up on stage for a family game. It's a dress-your-parents kind of game where I have to be the grandpa and my better half as the grandma. We won 3rd prize.
My hero and my princess also participated in the eat the most banana contest and walked away with more prizes...
Better rest now, more to come tomorrow.
3 normalies:
wah bergaya sakan anak2 ko ye kak..hehe
merasa gak la die pakai concealer kan....hehehhehe
ita - kdg2 maknyer lebih sakan dari anaknyer...
lil^red - tuler pasal, berconcealer anakku...
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