Dramatic huh the title...
Just that it's getting quite annoying when people keep on assuming that I don't have to do much in my life...
Yes, I live with parents for the past 9 months and those who have been reading or know me would know why. But, my routine don't really change.
I wake up at 5am everyday(my parents are not awake yet by the way), maybe on Sunday or holidays telajak skit around 6am. I prepare breakfast for the cuties and also prepare the food for them to bring to school. Alhamdulilah, so far hardly not been able to do that unless if I am not well.
I also hang the clothes, the one that I washed before I went to bed. Once all that settled, I took my bath and perform the subuh prayer. Around 6.15am, I will wake the cuties up and they will get ready for school and I will get ready for work.
Though me and my better half have been married for 11 years, I still prepare what he wears to work sampai ler ke bende2 dalam skali, all ready on the bed.
We will have breakfast together and my better half will send the cuties to school and me to the LRT station.
After work, my better half would pick up the cuties from the religious school(the first 2) and my baby from the primary school. Then my turn from the LRT station. I will cook dinner and help the cuties with their school work. I will then wait for them to sleep. Kalau tak, main jer kejenyer...
While watching TV, some clothes folding action and little bit fo dish washing and cleaning. Then, I This will differ if I have classes...yes, I am currently furthering my study...
I am not bragging that I am the best mother in the whole wide world...for me, it's all in you, whether you want to do it or not. Kalau nak ikut tak sempat, memang semua tak sempat. But, if you have too, you just have to manage.
So, with that, please rest assured I manage things myself...Hopefully, takde ler lagik yg cakap, you senanglah, duduk dgn mak...AS IF!!!!
6 normalies:
woman; a mother, a wife is very well-known in multitasking.....thinking of it now...kakak pun mesti tak sangka mude2 dulu kan u'll be doing this in the future...i sallute all mothers and praying that i'll become a good one later
that's why i respect mothers;) tahniah KL. keep it up:)
seriesly liza?
my husband mesti terbuntang biji mate if i bangun at 5. bcos i'm not a morning person..so paling awal pun 630 tuh pun rajin terlajak ke 7.
mothers..we do what we have to do.
salute u lah normal, boleh bangun pukul 5 am everyday and on top of that manage 3 kids. I ni xde anak pun kengkadang rasa malas.. hehehe
lil^red - i'm sure you'll be a good mother one day, insyaallah
azrul - thanks bro!
nad - yup, at 5am, lambat 5 minit schedule larik and i hate to rush in the morning, but if given a choice, i memang suke tidor....
maya - dah tebiasa, mula2 dulu was not easy
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