After lots of patience, finally we collected the key to our new house. We took the day off for that, since we anticipate many things that we need to settle.
Nak pasang grill, trying to figure out what to do with the kitchen, landscape segala bagai...then I told my better half...hold on dear...Let's take it one at a time, kita nie bukan org ada2...
But, what we thought going to be time consuming was not as bad as we think. The moment we went in to do the house inspection, a chinese man came to offer to do our plaster ceiling. Then, he called his friend, a malay chap to quote for the grill and then another one for the kitchen. The beauty of this, they are doing the work for most of the houses there and we can see what have been done so far, and one of the houses, they have completed the work. The price was quite reasonable, as we did some calling with the numbers given by some friends and this group of people offered more or less the same price. And they are based right smack in this housing area.
We are meeting them again this Sunday and to confirm some things...
For the moment, feast your eyes to a new place soon to be called our's not that grand, but as long as it can provide shelter to me and my family, it'll do...
By the way, Nad, need some advice on the area, you kan otai kat sini...shall email you later....
3 normalies:
waaaaaaaahhh hebat contractor ni business....cepat je die terjah....
anyhow....congratulations kakak!!!! kite semakin dekat sekrang....hehhehe
lil^red - memang kita makin dekat kan...boleh ler slalu teserempak...
wah cantik nyer rumah! best lah, I pun tak sabar nak ada rumah sendiri tapi kalau duduk london nie takkan ada rumah sendiri lah. rumah sini mahal2, so kena tunggu balik msia dulu.
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