normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Saturday 5 July 2008

Are you freaking kidding me?? entry for today...


I have been religiously blogging and visiting many blogs on daily basis. In fact, no matter how bust I am, I will still find time to do it, be it in the LRT, before I go to sleep, before I come to work...I will make time, that's the bottom line.

I not only browse and visit blogs, I also read on line news. And nowadays, the news either in the papers or other internet based news are making me sick(yup sick and not ill).

This person says the other person did this to him, another person said he is being slandered by the other person, another person swear and took it back and yada yada yada....

Aren't we supposed to be one of the most developed country in the world. First class facilities with third class mentality just don't work. What's wrong with having both at first class

But having said that, this kind of thing happens every where, in some cases right under my nose. And in some cases the topic is yours truly.

How sad...and this is happening in my beloved country.

I know I haven't written that many serious stuff, but this time, I just need a channel to express my opinion. And this channel via my blog is my channel, so that's that!

On another note...

This message goes out to mrs maya, my adorable blogger fren. What happen to your blog dear. I miss reading your thoughts and look forward to the wimbledon news. Please email me if you have change your blog...

And on another note, someone asked me about some thing and she started by saying "I know this is none of my business" and proceed with her questions...I just ended the conversation by saying, "Yes dear, it is none of your business". And then, I walk away....

3 normalies:

Jungle Playland said...

If you are reffering to DSAI's case. Yes its ridicolous. Some theory said it was all panned by DSNR. But my theory maybe (not impossible it was all planned by PR to gain more pity votes since there are going to be another election. Shame shame on these people.

YusVogue said...

enuff said! malas nak fikir.. lagi fikir lagi sakit hati..lagi macam budak2 kan?

AK said...

citer pe nih??
wat saket kepala je pikir..
macam la kita ni bodo sangat...

erm yang last prenggan tuh best la...
nak try tiru la nanti!
mintak izin ye sifu!