My parents have this orchard in Kuala Selangor and now is the rambutan season. My dad brought back about one big guni of rambutan for the cuties. My first thought, sape nak makan rambutan banyak2 nie.

After 4 days dok mengadap rambutan, the cuties led by my better half managed to finished them all last nite! This must be a record somewhere!!!
As for me, not feeling too good this couple of days, so, no rambutan for me....
4 normalies:
seguni tu...
byk amat tu, takut demam2 lak kan :p
i dah lama nak makan rambutan.. postlaa kat i.. huhuh
i dah lama nak makan rambutan.. postlaa kat i.. huhuh
vp - mula2 risau tapi tgk they all ok jer....
dott - u duduk mana, i can always send to you if you are around klang valley
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