In pursuit on the endless effort to decorate our house and to make it our dream house, we made a trip to IKEA last Sunday. Nope, we don't actually want to make any purchase, we are just interested in looking at their designs. And perhaps to do some adaptation to it. IKEA is not cheap doesn't jive with our jimat cermat concept.
We looked at the kitchen, love the way the kitchen is being designed. Planning to have the built in oven as well as this small compartment to put in all the pots and other related stuff. Wah!! I can imagine baking raya cookies with the cuties already...miss doing that....
This is how I want the room downstairs to look like. Planned to convert this to our library and work area. Cool huh!
And of course, the study area for my princess. She is totally against the cartoon character thingy and keep on reminding me that she is 10...point noted :)....
Haiyo...cukup ke duit nie, and that's not even the whole house yet....
1 normalies:
Ooo.. me too nak pergi ikea and shopping without guilt bole? hehe.. kena kumpul duit banyak2 ni..
ooo.. how i wish i can decor my own crib now..
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