As mentioned earlier, Cik Puan Ambang came back to work this week after 2 months being on maternity leave. And coincedently, she received durian runtuh. So, Azrul and I initiated this initiative called Projek Kikis - in English Scrape Project.
We chose to go Chinese. To avoid inconvenience to cik puan ambang and the fact that we don't want to annoy her until she settles the bill, we did all the necessary arrangements like booking of venue, logistic and so on.....we nearly formed a committe for this occassion. Committe tu....
So, nine of us marched to the venue. And we realised we were placed in a private room. Best tau..Boleh tau buat bising sesuka hati.....

So, turn saper lak nak dikikis lepas nie, sila volunteer yer....
3 normalies:
susah tau nk pikir nama projek. kita patut rasa berbangga kerna projek tersebut berjaya .. aku siap dpt tapau left over lagi.. jimat duit dinner. TQ watie! (we lap u)
waaahhhhh ade syarat2 tak nak join the commetee???? huahuahauhau
azrul - nama projek harus ler praktikal and reflective of the project
lil^red - syaratnyer....harus suka makan!!!
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