Finally the day came...we have waited for this trip like forever. All the necessary arrangements has been made.
Forgot to tell you, I am a travel freak. Why do I say that?
Cause I do researches when I travel eg what's the weather forecast, the places to visit(I do this in form of checklists so that we don't miss any interesting places), where to eat among others...of course reservation is a must and before I choose the hotel, I will read the review available at just to make sure no horror stories either by real ghost or human who sometimes can be worse than ghost...
We left early, right after Subuh prayer to avoid the traffic. Another habit of ours, we won't go for holidays during school holidays, we would usually do it few days earlier, right after the cuties finish their exam. So, I will grant them this leave of absence from school ;). Reason? We had loads of bad experience going for holiday during the school holiday, the place will be very crowded, we'll be stuck in bad traffic and many other unpleasant encounters...then the holiday which is supposed to be a relaxing moment, end up making us more stressed up!
We arrived around 11am and was lucky that the hotel allowed us to check in early...
But before that, I just have to tell you. Our holiday was nearly ruined cause my better half was so confident there will be a petrol station on the way up that he did not fill up the tank. It was almost empty tahap kering kontang! I was praying non stop that the car won't just stop in the middle of nowhere. I think he knows I was quite upset with him since he knew I have done all the necessary arrangements and he just need to take care of the car part....We only got to the petrol station at Brinchang, that was about 40km away! Nevermind, I won't let this spoil our holiday break!
Will blog about the place we visited later!!!
2 normalies:
alhamdulillah semuanye selamat!!!! seram tuh bab minyak2 nih...harus la drive slow n tak pasang aircond!
Ehehe.. sometimes kite kene buat2 x nampak .. n jgn tensenkan diri tp kalo i tensen gak..
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