Another must in the checklist for Cameron visit, Strawberry place. We went to 2 of such and this one is the one located in the heart of Brinchang.
We were shown how strawberry was planted and how they took care of the strawberries. They even have a shop here that sold all kinds of strawberry related cafe. Also planted here are the hydroponic(betul ke spelling nie?) vegetables. 
We enjoyed having a drink at their cafe, having strawberry fried ice cream, strawbeery milkshake and pancake with cream and strawberry. The strawberry are all fresh plucked from the tree straight to the kitchen.
The cuties as usual making lots of noise, so there's this Arab couple went to our table and we thought, that's it lah, mesti kena marah sebab bising.
But actually, the husband wanted to take photo with the cuties. They are on their honeymoon and trying to have a baby as soon as possible so kira nak ambik berkat. Funny, usually after looking at the cuties punyer perangai, some have second thoughts of having kids, nie lagi motivated pulak!
Penat lah, balik hotel, solat dulu.......
1 normalies:
abg arab yg hensem!!! hahhahaha ntah ntah alasan je kot kak?? nyiahahhahah
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