These photos were taken while waiting for the azan maghrib for buka puasa at Katerina. Alhamdulilah so far she has yet to miss even one day of fasting. Last year, she only fast until Zuhur, once she heard the azan, she will rush to the fridge.

Sayang anak mama!!!! Puasa penuh yer sayang!!!
4 normalies:
tgk gambar kak hits me...lama btol tak jumpe akak...i miss you lah kak....suke tgk akak gelak gelak...jgn sesedih tau!
lil^red - miss u too sis, so no excuse Raya tak datang rumah ok?? And jeles tau tgk gi bukak pose rumah K Red, sedih tu jap jer, pastu ok jer balik
alahai manisnye..mcm maknye..comel
ita - mana tumpahnyer kuah kalau tak ke lantai..hiks...
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