I've always wanted a built in wardrobe. This has been in my wish lists for the past 6 years. Since the previous house was not that suitable to have one, this house is perfect for this.
So, I make sure I have included this in the budget for the new house. I even know the stuff that I wish to store in the wardrobe.
When the wardrobe man came to measure the room, I was already excited. Itu belum lagi masa pilih the colour and material, lagi ler terover excited.
I was watching the team assembling my dream wardrobe with much anticipation, just like how a child waiting for her dad to assemble a toy for her. 
At last, this is the result....
And this is what I plan to use the wardrobe for...
I know some people may think, buat apa lah almari besar2....and the money can be used for something else like stuff for the kids. I think it's wrong to have such a judgemental thinking. Just because I buy something for myself, that does not mean I don't do things for the cuties. I don't feel bad for having to buy this for myself, I have been working hard for the past 11 years, I deserve every inch of this wardrobe....
Sorry yer, ter emo lak...
As a conclusion....I love my wardrobe :)......
7 normalies:
Very nice....should have one for every room. Totally worth every sen :D
I'm also a wardrobe freak. I even have a few built in at my office.
sebelom renovate umah ni dulu...kekecik dulu....mmg ade built in wardrobe tau kak....tp kite kan pendek..namanye waktu kecik kan..eeeeeee hai la...meluat betol nak amik yg tinggi2 tuh.....jadinye sampai sekarang mmg la tak minat built in ni....tp kan...terminat walk in wardrobe cam omputihnye style tuh....cemana tu kak....syioknye dpt satu bilik....jalan jalan pilih baju, tuudng, bag, kasut...ok ok ..enuff berangan!!!!
wahhhhhhhh.. bestnya.. moi pulak meng-dreamkan walk-in wardrobe..tapi kan..rasanya build in pun dah bagus kot..ehehe.. i love the way you organise things.. rasa mcm tak sabar pulak nak ada rumah sendiri.. hehe
nae - thought of doing one each for the cuties kalau cukup budget, maybe by end of the year
lil^red - mari kita berangan bersama cause my ultimate dream pun nak walk in closet just like what Mr Big gave to Carrie in Sex and The City...tapi budget ciput kan so have to settle for this je lah...at least for now ;)
kak liza.....walk in wradrobe dlm sex an the city itu mmg maveles!!!! farihah pun suke yg itu!
wah cantik..ada warddrobe sng skit nak ngemas ek kak
lil^red - itu adalah in the ultimate wish list tau!
ita - masa order tu tak pikir lagik pasal ngemas, tau nak cantik jer hi hi hi
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