Ok everyone in paticular lil^red, please feast your eyes...Sorry if you are dissapointed yer dik...

The kitchen was ready slightly behind schedule, supposed to be ready last Friday but it was ready a day after.
The kitchen was ready slightly behind schedule, supposed to be ready last Friday but it was ready a day after.
I chose silver colour since it will be easier to match it with any type of accessories which will be bought later bila dapat the next durian runtuh....craving for the ones sold at IKEA(fyi ; cravings not for food only ok!)Some may think this as a boring colour but considering we don't plan to change the kitchen maybe in the next 20 years or more, we have to make sure the colour is not so adventerous, nanti susah nak match with other furniture kan?
I also requested for like a bar table which will later be complemented with the high stool, again hopefully from IKEA. 
Next apa yer? The sofa lah kot?
6 normalies:
chantek!!!! sokaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! sokaaaaaaaaaa sgt!!! especially yg bar tuh...waaaa bestnye.....satu je kurang.....takde oven...hehhehehe ke farihah tak nampak ovennye?
cantiknye..saya suka...wah raya sakan ye kali ni
i like ur kitchen tu.... asal mmg open kitchen ye liza... kalau camtu senang nak install built-ins...
I LVOE your kitchen.. memang open ngan living room ke apa yek? coz i saw a house similar to that too... that bar pun i loike.. cantik! memang practical kan..
so, semua ni from ikea ke? the kitchen cabinet? if not..bole ke nanti share2 the kedai yang you buat ni? thanks.
lil^red - ovennyer sampai lagik 2 minggu, that's why ler ada lubang kosong
ita - sakan yg sakit ita, budget dah larik jauh
fazid - memang open kitchen, later i will block with something yg moveable
yusvogue - kalau ikut wish list memang ikea, but tak mampu...nanti i'll share the company that did this
thanks.. really appreciate hehe.. (mana la tau kan?hehe)
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