Some of you may be wondering how did the Open House go? At least pretend lah that you are...
Alhamdulilah, it went very well. The turnout was great! We estimated about 300 people came. Though it's supposed to end at 6pm, there were still guests arriving at 8pm and the last guests left the house at 10pm.
I did not get to take any photos, were busy entertaining family and frens...
So, ciloked photos from lurza...hehehe...ok ler tu!
4 normalies:
wah meriah betul opn hse akak ye...seronok tgk..umah br lg syok ek..hehe
wah..ini harus dicharge royalty nih! zaaass!
ita - meriah sebab tetamu yg dtg memang happening!!!
lurza - bukan dah bayar royalti in advance ke?
saper yang baji merah belang belang tuh akak? ensem la pulak... memang putih yek?
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