normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Tuesday 25 November 2008

A day @ Petrosains

Pursuant to the previous entry...wah, sound so formal!!!
The second half of the day was at the Petrosains located at Level 4 of Suria KLCC, and now I sound like a tour guide...
I took the cuties to Petrosains before, so I thought I know what to expect...Well, how wrong could I be.
Petrosains is different now. Previously, it was more like an exhibition where you need to read, where do this come from, how was that done and so on.
But now, most of the things here are interactive, in form of games. I know this is good for the children, but it can be tiring for the parents considering the cuties want to stop at all the games....Man, this can take forever.
Since there was another activity after this, I told the cuties we need to cut short on this trip. We fast forward towards the end for us to at the next destination at 5.30pm...
Where to? TUNGGU!!!!

3 normalies:

vagg© said...

kakkk..hahah gambar atas skali tuh saye pun ada! ahaha lama dh.. 7 tahun lepas.

ita.itu said...

x penah pun sy jejak petrosains ni bwk bebudak..hehe.tgu beso lg la ek

Liza said...

vagg - klako kan, still have the same thing

ita - bawak ler sementara diaorg tu nak ikut kita jalan