This was the most relaxing weekend, the most relaxing since we moved in to BSP. Why relaxing? Cause, we can stay at home and don't have to go anywhere. We can focus on doing the house chores and not having to work around fixed schedules.
We managed to do many things, few loads of laundry, sweeping and moping the house, wiping the kitchen(which by the way, my current craze), watering the grass and many other things. The cuties washed their shoes and helped out with the other chores as well. I also brought the cuties to the nearby playground and played badminton with my better half. Hence, we were exhausted by night time so my better half suggested for us to just tapau some food from the BSP Pasar Malam.
BSP's Pasar Malam occur twice a week, Tuesdays and Saturdays. I had just ayam percik, my better half had nasi kerabu with ikan goreng, my princess had the usual thing i.e. burger goreng, my hero with his kebab(which he improvised by garnishing with bits and pieces of nugets) and my baby had pasembor. We did not get anything extra, afraid we are not able to finish it. However, we bought wonderful desert, will blog about it the next entry.
And also attending this ceremony near our house, ada ler perkumpulan kejiranan skit...
Next weekend will be another hectic one...why, keep coming here and you'll know...
4 normalies:
wah bestnye.. wadus terasa lapor terus nie hehehe
re = a'ah x sampai ati lak pukul ngan rotan yg vouge tue hahaha
yaampun..dah la sy tengah diet..nmpk lak ayam percik..adoi la
kat sini mmg tgh terbayang2 nasi impit with kuah kacang! owhhhhhhh kene buat jugak la gamaknye...
tp kuah kacang??? adeyh!
kekejaman terhadap kanak2 sungguh entri ini!!!
yang benar,
kanak2 teraniaya yang terpaksa ikat perut di akhir sem
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