It's so satisfying to be living in your own home. Since we don't actually spend that much time at home, so during weekends, once we are at home, we felt so lazy to go out.
On Friday, when we arrived home, it was already late, around 7.30pm. While the cuties were bathing and performing their solat maghrib, me and my better half were busy in the kitchen preparing light dinner.
We delegated duties, while my better half performed solat magrib, I prepared for the cooking ingredients. When he is done, we agreed, he will cook the lempeng and I will do the sardine. It will be faster that way. My better half improvised the lempeng a bit...he make it like the kuih gulung
Have to call an early night...big event tomorrow!!
7 normalies:
simple but delicious meal....yummy..
lempemg dan sardin juga makanan kegemaran wasi...
hehehe....s0rry c0z menyerbu tanpa di undang...
wasi 0rg baru kt bl0g ni...
maaf ya??
macam mana nak buat lempeng tu?
fazid-yup, memang best especially makan panas2
wada83-salam hal..
nae - easy actually, just wheat flour with water and salt, but my better half added one step to make sure it's fluffy and nice, he mixed the flour with water then blend it in mixer..
mmg sedap lew lempeng cicah sardine..
sdpnye kak kalo ngk sardin..cili api ke x?
mau ban blog ni!!!
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