normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Tagging menagging

I was tagged by 2 of my blogger frens faith and yusvogue

Let's do faith's first
7 things about me:

I love spending time with my family, doing whatever together
I am currently seriously looking for options to work from home. Kena start thinking about the cuties lak...
I am always insecure about the way I look, takut rasanyer to look older than my real age since my better half looks young
I am really into psychology, human mind never fail to amaze me
I want 2 more kids, but need to loose weight before that
I hope I can perform my haj before I am 50.
I love cooking and that's what I do best!

Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now. (Since nie autopublish, this was taken very early this morning before I'm off to work)

Don’t change your clothes, don’t fix your hair…just take a picture.
Post that picture with NO editing.
Post these instruction with your picture.
Tag 7 people to do this

I choose not to tag, sape nak buat silakan!!!

Now, tag from yusvogue

1. Do u think u are HOT?
To certain extend...hihihi...malu!!!
2. Upload a fav pic of you

3. Why do u like this picture?

Cause I lost a lot of weight masa nie, I was 8 kg lighter than my current weight...and the sad part, I gained the 8kg just in 6 months time.
4. When was the last time u ate pizza?
Last weekend, cause my better half was craving for Shakeys Pizza.
5. The last song u listen too?
Ayat2 Cinta by Rossa, tringat when I saw the film, meleleh air mata!!!
6. What are u doing right now besides this
Organising what needs to be done today.
8. people to tag
Can I choose not to tag question 9 onwards tak relevant lah yer...

4 normalies:

attyfir said...

lawanya org tu...

Liza said...

atty - org mana tu??(malu ler pulak!)

ita.itu said...

sy suka gmbr akak berdua tu,,,romantik sgt

Anonymous said...

Gambar tu dah plan kaaaaaan. Hahaha.