Hi, I'm back. Not feeling too well though but better than the days before. And thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.
On the eve of my birthday, the celebration started. My better half and the cuties planned for a quiet BBQ party, just the 5 of us. But, of course, it was not that quiet.
I was told not to do anything. Everything will be prepared by the team tonight.
There's alot of food. There are crabs, sausages, lambs, chicken, burgers and prawns to be BBQed. Of course, there's salad to balance things up.
And what did my better half gave me? A bracelet...I am not the accessories type of person, and I only wear what were given by my better half. Hence, this will be added to my collection. Love it so much!!!
Looks like turning 32 is not so bad after all!!
11 normalies:
hepi besday... semoga panjang umur n di murahkan rezeki.. wag cantik adiah tue..
re = hahaha mama mya yg sebenarnye nak pi jalan sakan lalalala
sdpnye ketam sume tuh..best ek dpt buat bbq kat tanah lapang..lawa gelang mu itu kak
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May you have in the years to come.
p/s The crab looks yummeh
my dear liza
happy birthday darling
happy birthdayyyyyyyyyyyy
but sorry, ai got a date wity my ex bf, the one yang sharing his bday with you :)
dating ngan ko len kali lah yer...
akak.. apa itu 32? tah tau..tak tau.. hahah.. happy birthday akak.. and cepat la sihat hendak nyer.. tak best la takder celoteh tulisan akak nih.. take care!!
happy birthday to u
semoga dapat panjang umur n murah rezeki
to all, thanks for the wish...i am so proud to be a year older today and my better half told me, once you are not afraid to become older, that shows you are finally a matured person...
Happy birthday dearrrr.
semoga bertambah murah rezeki u sekeluarga. Amin.
happy happy happy birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, kak!! may your days be filled with full of happiness with you loved ones
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