Before I start noting down my honest yet personal thought, please be reminded by definition of the word personal, means this is my own true feelings and opinion so, I do hope no one will be offended by this.
I am currently on long leave for the next 3 weeks to attend to some personal matters which are quite pressing. Now, I'm in Malacca just enjoying a short break with my better half and the cuties after a tired 3 days thingy that was very taxing, both physically and mentally.
Before I left for my long leave, while others were wishing each other Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and when I gave them another wish Selamat Tahun Baru Hijrah, people started to give me this look....and few seconds after that, 'yelah kan, Awal Muharam, lupa ler kan?'.
Nope, I'm not telling you I'm pious, and no, my religion knowledge is not deep at all, infact it's quite shallow. But, it's quite disheartening to see people from my own religion neglecting our own New Year, a date that should be meaningful and impactful to us. And a date marked the pilgrimage of our beloved Prophet Nabi Muhamad s.a.w. from Makkah to Madinah(trus tringat the nasyi that we used to sing masa kecik2 dulu).
I too was so jahil before, dok sibuk Happy New Year sana sini and forgot to celebrate my Islamic New Year. Alhamdulilah, my better half guided me and I am no longer that ignorant.
My resolution for this Awal Muharam? Praying 5 times a day, Alhamdulilah, has 95% achieved(remaining 5% still need to be worked on, slalu ralit on work and then terbabas). But, I need to work on the timing. Meaning solat zuhur tu awal skit not lagi 10 minutes or less towards Asar. This is applicable to other prayers as well. My mom keep on nagging me on this, siap cakap lewat2 kan solat, mana kita tau kita tak meninggal dunia in between those prayers. Lepas kena bebel, sedar ler kejap, pastu buat balik, tak senonoh betul!
Salam Maal Hijrah dari kami sekeluarga and hope this New Year will bring better rezeqi and better health to all!!
Monday, 29 December 2008
Adakah kita semakin jahil?
Thought by Liza at 00:00
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9 normalies:
salam maal hijrah sis!!! :)
kak liza.... this is my personal point of view juge ye....
kite dah lamasgt disogokkan dgn sambutan internationally secara besar2an... new year, christmas....sampai ramai org islam lupe.. tarikh apa yg patut disambut... tarikh ape yg clash dgn sambutan lain... tarikh apa yg patut kite hormati......
kalau di Malaysia je org dah lupe..
just imagine org org yg berada di tanah kafir dan jauh dr negara yg kununnye negara Islam itu
tu la kak
umur dah makin bertambah ni, saya pon maken sedar mende2 ni...
slama ni pown mmg tak sambut new year
cuma cakap azam2 je...
but taun ni, mmg azam untuk 1430 la...
dan mmg kadang2 kita neglect mende ni...
baru tahu pasal takleh ucap cristmas, bila bagitau kawan, diowang masih tak boleh menerima..
thus, diam je la..
apapon salam maal hijrah!
slow2 kita ke arah kebaikan!
saya sangat2 bersetuju ngan anda semua. did received this blank look from people whenever I wished them. but alhamdullillah there are still others who understand what hijrah means.
salam maal hijrah.. sama2 kita berhijrah kearah kebaikan...
dah beso nih baru la reti nk memahami maksud NASYID 'satu muharam detik permulaan.....' bla bla bla tuh. masa kecik dlu mana tau pape.
yes.. certain individuals might give 'nice' remarks when it comes to talking something which is the truth.
apa lah salah kalo berhijrah pun kan. dari yg x elok kepada yg elok. RASULULLAH pun ckp.. pastikan hari esok lebih baik dari hari ini dan sebelumnya.
selamat menyambut tahun baru hijrah 1430 dan tahun baru 2009 masihi
semoga apa yg dicitakan..akan berjaya utk tahun baru ini..
selamat tahun baru maal hijrah...
salam maal hijrah semua, moga maal hijrah tahun ini akan membanyakkan muhasabah diri...
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