We are still busy preparing for Sunday...Jangan ler marah, if you wanna know what's happening on Sunday, stick around and you'll find out soon enough ok...
After buying some groceries very early Saturday morning, we then went to Kajang to meet my dad and mom. Iwan and Nija tagged along too as Iwan will be going back to his in-law's house after that, also located in Kajang.
This area in Kajang is in a place called Sg Sekamat. It's located along the Kajang Silk Highway.
My dad purchased a lamb earlier, so today it's the time to pick up the one which are already slaughtered and cut into pieces, ready to be cooked.
Kau mana tau! (hehehehe)
4 normalies:
Hahahaha..... saat2 yang dikenang sepanjang hayat.... classic.
errrppppp....terkedu jap...ahaks
BBQ kambin ek liza...adehhh...
sejak bile plaka de kandang kambing nih???
fazid - nope, no bbq involved
anon-tak paham so don't know how to respond
lil^red- tempat nie lorong sebelah the car dealer place, near the sg sekamat exit
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