normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Self kutu

Nope, the title is not a typo error.
This is the latest self project that I launched for myself. Apart from the normal deduction from salary made for my Tabung Haji account, I have also wanted to test whether I can control my expenses. As most of you are aware, we will be experiencing economic slow down and to the extend an economic downturn so we don't start controlling our expenses, we might be one of those who will suffer during this period.
Hence, I have made it a point to save RM10 per day. I will keep this in this Patchi box(which by the way, I did not purchase but got the chocs as a gift, I don't like chocolate, remember?).At the point this picture was taken, it was my sixth day hence RM60 has been accumulated.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, kuatkan lah iman hamba mu ini untuk tidak bershopping dan terus berjimat cermat.......AMIN............

14 normalies:

adenium said...

hii miss liza... salam singgah...
wahhhh... semangat kuat nih..kalau i self kutu means no kutu..hehehe..
exchange link?

Anonymous said...

We're updated with new collection of tyra scarfs. see u there!! ;)

Liza said...

adenium-thanks for dropping by, no hal, let's exchange link

bulanluna-will drop by soon

attyfir said...

eekekeke..azam thn baru ke liza..

NadiahKhair said...

I pun nak ikut u lah.
Nak try buat at least rm5 sehari. Hopefully menjadik.

Liza said...

atty - azam ler jugak, nie asik shopping tak hingat!

nad-silakan ikut, keep us updated tau!

fazid said...

errrkk...bukan u suh i tengok kan Fendi kat sini ke liza ...muahhahahhaha

Anonymous said...

patutla bile masuk bilik, bau mcm kutu.. adakah miss Ampang berkutu... hahahaha..

Liza said...

fazid-did I forget to mention this is meant for the fendi bag?hihihi...fendi bag tu kalau ada duit lebih, this savings more for the rainy days

andy21-mana ko tau bau kutu tu camne, ms ampang tu sape lak

lilRed Farah said...

waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bagusnyeeeee!!!!!! nanti dah penuh post kan ke newcastle ye...

a lebyu kak liza


aisha said...

Akak, macamana akak leh mengutukan diri sendiri ek? kalu gitu, saya kena ada duit belanja sehari 15 hinggit la kalu nak mengutukan diri 10 hinggit seari.. tp zaman skolah boleh la akak, sbb duit blanja mak bagi.. tp zaman skrang sendiri bagi.. macam mana nak bajet ek?

Liza said...

lil^red-amboi, baik k liza simpan buat tambang gi visit awak kat newcastle kan? After bertahun you grad pun k liza tak sampai2

aisha-this is for me to discipline myself, simpan duit dulu before start beli bende duit sendirik actually lagik susah dari saving duit org bagik

Anonymous said...

Miss ampang yang duduk kat ampang la.. (aku luper nama dia.. aghh!!!! abis la PMS aku ngan dia pasni...aiyooo!!!)

ita.itu said...

kih.kih.kih..leh lak ko gitu ek kak..kalo saya selamat dah..haha