After performing Asar prayer, we made our way out to visit as many interesting places as possible. We know we don't have much time, spending only one nite in Melaka.
It was difficult to get a parking spot in Banda Hilir, I know it's really because of school holidays coincide with a long weekend. We ended up parking inside Dataran Pahlawan, a cool shopping complex. We decided not to spend time in any shopping complexes, we can do that in KL - though the sale signs here and there were very tempting.
It was about 10 minutes walk to the parking area of Menara Taming Sari, the area we are gonna catch our first beca ride. Each beca charge RM20 for one round within the Banda Hilir tourist spot area. 
Look out for the next entry, the places we stopped by during the becae ride.
6 normalies:
kak lizaa..melayan asam pedas takk??
Diana-k - layan gak tapi tempat yg mengecewakan skit, nak kena tanyer org melaka lah, mana tempat yg best skit...
eh.lawanyerr... bunga kat beca la lawa.. kuikuikuikui...
pasal makan, tanyer je belia yayasan, sure dia tau tmpt best satu melesia
meriah sungguh beca tu.. tak rimas ke kak dok kt beca tu??? hehehe!!!
p/s: aritu br borak2 ngn sedare org melaka.. dorg ckp nk mkn asam pedas kat area kandang.. tp lokasi kedai tak bgtau plak..
amb0i2...s0 ramantic ya kamu berdua!!! hehehe...
andy21 - blahlah andy...ko nie asik sebut belia beryayasan, tesedak2 dia tau
chotz - beca memang meriah, siap ada radio with nice sound system
mamafunky - romantic ke? malu...hehehe...
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