You might think I am bias when I say this...My better half make the best mee rebus I have ever tasted. Well, taste is very subjective and my taste buds say...I have never enjoyed mee rebus anywhere else like the one made by my better half.
Last Sunday, for our brunch, when the rest of the house woke up late, my better half woke up slightly earlier than us to prepare mee rebus. This is one recipe he is very good at.
The noodles with the condiments ; tahu, potato, eggs, green chillies, line and daun sop.
Now, after all served together with the delicious gravy...Tak tahan woo...
Not only me, but the cuties also love the mee rebus.
FYI, we had a few servings and I think my better half knew we love this so much, he made plenty which last till late evening...
Another perfect weekend indeed...
6 normalies:
wow kak liza... your better half is a gud cook... :-)
mee rebus yg ku idam selalu... hehehhee
sodap2.... wah bleh request nie :D
sissssss timing tul la.. baru pikir malam ni nak makan mee rebus.. (masa driving nak gi opis leh pikir makan hahahahah)
pandaila masak2 ni.. bila nak ajak yati datang makan hehehehe (dengan muka tak malu )
huhuhu..leleh air liur nengok mee rebus ko liza..bak mai le sini skit hah
adenium - indeed he is
lil^red - i promise when you come back we will have a big feast at my house
fazid - balik msia mesti i entertain your request
nurhayati - insyallah, buat makan2 nanti akan ku jemput
atty - kalau jemput dtg rumah jgn tak dtg pulak
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