normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Dah dapat dah

I think for those who frequents vagg's blog would know she is going to be married in less than 2 weeks time...

And I am so honoured to get this beautiful card from her.

I wanted so bad to attend the wedding and witness the happiest day of her life but really couldn't make it...

Can I visit you on the 20th instead as I will be coming from Kota Bharu. Itu pun if you haven't left for your honeymoon ;)..

Akak doakan semuanyer berjalan lancar dan bahagia hingga ke anak cucu!

2 normalies:

vagg© said...

yesssssssssss sureeeeeee
see u on the 20th!!! :)

Liza said...

vagg - insyallah