Continuation from this previous entry.
We did not go out to any where during this first nite @ KB. We were still exhausted after the long hours in the car. Dinner was only within walking distance from the hotel.
We came across this Medan Selera Buluh Kubu, about 10 minutes walk from the hotel. There were 2 types of stalls there ; one type was for dine in and the other type was like the pasar malam style where you can tapau the food.
A lot of Kelantan traditional food sold here. From nasi kerabu, to nasi dagang, ayam ikan and segala percik, nasi kukus, nasi air and many many kuih were sold as well.
We chose to eat in instead of tapau. Malas lak nak pikir how to eat in the hotel room without the cuttleries.
My better half with nasi goreng biasa and telur mata while the cuties shared one nasi goreng pattaya, they said they were still full after the snack in the room.
And my better half also tapaued some Kelantan dessert.
That nite I was busy planning for the next day activities....and shopping will be the utmost priority!
3 normalies:
makanan kelantan mesti manis2 kan..
sopink apa lee tu..
makan best shopping pun best hihihi
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